Karuvatta Gramapanchayath
Karuvatta Panchayath is located in Haripad block in Karthikappally Tehsil of Alappuzha district in Kerala, India. Pincode of Karuvatta village is 690517. Total population of Karuvatta Panchayath is 21002 (Male population is 10128 and female population is 10874). Population density is 1188. Total area is 17.68 sq.km. Ward divisions are 15. Literacy rate of gramapanchayath is 96.
Phone number: 0479 2492227
Administrative Heads |
C Sujatha President Phone no. 0479-243298 9946282436 |
Suresh Kalarickal Vice President Phone no. 9447349220 |
Karuvatta Gramapanchayath Ward Members |
Lekha P Ward 1 Karamuttu Phone no. 0492492801 9995008020 | Suma Ward 2 Kurichikkal Phone no. 9747016719 | Madhuri T Ward 3 SKVNSS UPS Phone no. 9562390231 | Suresh Kalarikkal Ward 4 Panchayath Office Phone no. 9447349220 |
Chandravati J Ward 5 TB Clinic Phone no. 0479-2491922 9287399914 | Radhamma D Ward 6 Chakkittayil Phone no. 9497335997 | Nandakumar S Ward 7 Nandakumar S Phone no. 0479-2491888 9495477227 | Sulochana Ward 8 St James UPS Phone no. 9847293902 9037181484 |
Mohanan Pilla Ward 9 Samudayathil Phone no. 9746482159 | C Sujatha Ward 10 SNDP UPS Phone no. 0479-243298 9946282436 | K R Rajan Ward 11 EALPS Kuzhikkad Phone no. 0479-2492557 9656868104 | Akhil B Ward 12 Narayana Vilasam Phone no. 8089132921 |
T Ponnamma Ward 13 Haskapuram Phone no. 965673412 | Sheela Rajan Ward 14 Mangalabharathi Phone no. 0479-2491157 9400491157 | Mohan Kumar Ward 15 Village Office Phone no. 9048069088 |