Veeyapuram Panchayath
Veeyapuram Panchayath is located under Haripad block in Karthikappally Tehsil of Alappuzha district in Kerala, India. Pincode of Veeyapuram village is 688524 .Total population of gramapanchayath is 12445(Male population is 5991 and female population is 6454). Population density is 888. Total area is 14.02 Ward divisions are 13. Literacy rate of gramapanchayath is 94.
Phone number: 0479 2319649
Administrative Heads |
N Prasad Kumar President Phone no. 04792411514 8129381234 |
Shantha Balan Vice President Phone no. 0479 2319890 9656764941 |
Veeyapuram Gramapanchayath Ward Members |
Saudamani Rasheed Ward 1 Veeyapuram Phone no. 9495440755 | Abida Beevi Ward 2 Veeyapuram East Phone no. 8606556961 | Vinu John Ward 3 Thuruthel Bhagam Phone no. 0479 2319117 9744476518 | Jyothi Prakash Ward 4 Melpadam North Phone no. 0479 2319772 9847851145 |
Sindhu Ward 5 Melpadam South Phone no. 0479 2318301 7025916421 | Suja Ward 6 Vellamkulangara Phone no. 9526941589 | P P Prasad Ward 7 Karichal North Phone no. 9847831155 | N Prasad Kumar Ward 8 Karichal South Phone no. 04792411514 8129381234 |
Gireesh R Ward 9 Kalayamkulangara Phone no. 0479 2418656 9745548686 | Sheeja Surendran Ward 10 Trivikramapuram Phone no. 0479 2412757 9605709601 | Shantha Balan Ward 11 Payippad East Phone no. 0479 2319890 9656764941 | Sajan A J Ward 12 Payippad West Phone no. 8156877401 |
M K Radhamani Ward 13 Murinjapuzha Bhagam Phone no. 9605764809 |